TPR is a global prayer network that brings people from different places for the primary purpose of praying, strategizing, and implementing.

We believe that through strategic prayer, there will be a shift in the spiritual climate of a nation, which can be evident overtime in that nation.

But the vision of TPR not only emphasizes the changes that can happen through prayer but also on the people that will implement that change.

We strongly highlight the notion of Prayer and People. Meaning, today’s believer must pray as if the transformation desired depends on prayer, but we must also work, be involved in the process as if it all depends on us. Following the above approach is the secret of the likes of Daniel and Joseph.

This global network’s mission transcends the nuclear church (the local church) to also actively involve the extended church (workplace/market place).

We believe in praying for change to happen in the nations, but we also pray for the right people to occupy strategic positions that can influence and implement change through the market place.

While we carry out this vision, we have faith in God, understanding that transformational change will happen in our nations as long as we humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways.

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