Welcome to our exciting event focusing on Strategic Operations and Resourcefulness!
In the past, believers have been programmed to believe that those who transact in the BOARDROOM should not be in the WAR ROOM and that those who function in the WAR ROOM have no business being in the BOARDROOM. But this is not right, because in John’s letter to the seven churches, it is clear that God has made us kings (the boardroom) and priests (the war room).

With this in mind, the commission was given to teach the church on the subject of STRATEGIC OPERATIONS and RESOURCEFULNESS, kings and priests. In this way, believers worldwide are to be informed, prepared and challenged to take their rightful place, take the lead, and act as agents of change in ministry and the marketplace.

This event is perfect for professionals looking to level up their operational effectiveness and make the most out of available resources while bringing insight into strategic prayer that can initiate notable change in any environment.

Therefore, this carefully choreographed event will take place in two sessions.
•⁠ ⁠In the first session, we will teach and discuss leadership strategies in a business boardroom setting and learn from established and successful professionals and business people.
•⁠ ⁠In the second session, we will function as priests, this time not to negotiate, but to engage in strategic spiritual operations by applying the principles taught by Jesus and the apostles to occupy strategic places through prayer

These sessions are open to all and allow participants to socialise and possibly collaborate on potentially profitable ventures.

Don't miss this opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and gain practical knowledge that you can apply to your life immediately. See you there!

We must remember;
God does not bless indiscriminately, God blesses STRATEGICALLY.

Revelation 1:4-6 - New King James Version
5bTo Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Event Date

Saturday, 22nd March, 2025


Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre
Amsterdam Paul Van Vlissingenstraat, Ouder Amstel, 1096 BK, Netherlands


12 NOON and 4PM


Dabo Davies


Siebe Slagter


Alexander Emoghene


Martin von Torklus


Tony Hodges


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